Nnnla mineuse de la tomate tuta absoluta pdf

The newly introduced pest from south america finding the shores of the mediterranean a perfect new home where it can breed between 1012 generations a year. Tuta%absoluta,anaggressivepest 4 the tomato leafminer, % tuta% absoluta% meyrick. Tomatenminiermotte tuta absoluta pheromonfallen uberwachung. Cet article est une ebauche concernant les lepidopteres. Identifier connaitre maitriser inscription connexion. Tomato leafminer, tuta absoluta background the tomato leafminer, tuta absoluta, originally from south america, was reported for the first time from south africa in august 2016.

This paper presents the results from a survey that was carried out to determine the host plants of tomato leaf miner, tuta absoluta meyrick lepidoptera. Mr brahim mohamed crrhab mr chermiti brahim isacm mme. Cet insecte a aussi fait son apparition au badewurtemberg en 2009. Recently tuta absoluta considered to be a serious threat to tomato production in mediterranean region. Other crops that act as secondary hosts include potato, eggplant, capsicum peppers, and cape gooseberry. Sp 1 surveillance protocol for the tomato leaf miner, tuta. Tuta absoluta is a devastating pest of solanaceae crops such as tomato or.

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